Fan ziet Michael Jackson in Disney World

Geplukt van een brief waarin Jacksonfan Sandy beweert Wacko Jacko gezien te hebben in het Amerikaanse Disney World.

Toen Sandy met heer ouders in de rij stond voor de kassa van het attractiepark, passeerde er een grote zwarte auto, die leek op een Cadillac Escalade. De auto mocht direct doorrijden naar de hoofdingang. Eerst besteedde ze er geen aandacht aan, maar al snel merkte ze dat alle wachtende bezoekers naar de auto keken.

Een man in een zwart pak en zwarte zonnebril stapte uit en liep on de auto heen om de deur aan de passagierskant te openen. Een tweede man in een zwart pak stapte uit, hij hield een paraplu vast.

Na de tweede man stapte er nog een derde man uit de auto, hiervan zou Sandy zweren dat het Michael Jackson zelf was. De man droeg zwarte schoenen, een zwarte leren broek, een donkere zonnebril, zijn gezicht was afgedekt met een sjaal en hij droeg een baseballpet.

Een van de mannen toonde een pasje aan een kassamedewerker van het Disney Park, zonder dat ze moesten wachten werd het drietal binnengelaten. Intussen stond Sandy nog steeds in de rij voor de kassa, ze probeerde naar voren te dringen, maar de mannen waren al verdwenen.

Sandy twijfelt er niet over, het was Michael Jackson, die een bezoek bracht aan Disney World: “Real fans like me and others around the world really know how to tell when somebody is MJ or not.” Sandy is ervan overtuigd dat haar idool nog leeft: “He’ll be here soon!

De originele brief:

I am more than happy to have a chance to send you this e-mail. Yesterday, in my family trip to Orlando, to go to Disney World, was the last day i was in Orlando from the 5 days i’ve been there. And yet, it was the best day ever for me. I would like to share this with you & the fans. As me and my family left the hotel around 9 in the morning, to get early to the Disney theme park “Epcot”, we were riding in the car until we got to the “Epcot” parking lot. When we got there, we found a parking space, and parked. we all got out of the car, and we were about to cross a small street where cars drive by. when you cross that street, you will see the main entrance of the park. when we were all about to cross, this very big tall black car that looked a lot like a Cadillac Escalade, Parked in front of the main entrance, Instead of looking for a normal parking space. I personally thought that was very strange because nobody parks that way. Anyways, Me & my family had to keep moving on to get inside the theme park.

As we made a line for the entrance,everybody seemed to be talking loudly & facing one direction. Everybody was looking at the strange black car that i mentioned earlier.

I turned around as well, to see what everybody was looking at. What i saw was a man in a black satin suit that had dark glasses. He came out of the drivers seat, & somehow looked at all of us that were looking at him. He then turned to the backseat where he then opened the door, and ANOTHER man wearing the same suit as the first man came out. That second man was holding an umbrella. (We all know Michael uses umbrellas many times) Well, the second man reached his hand inside, & grabbed the hand of the man i could swear was Michael. The man that looked amazingly alot like Michael came slowly out of the car, i first noticed his shoes. (They were black) I then noticed the kind of clothing he was wearing, (Black leather pants, black coat, dark sunglasses, something that looked like a scarf around his face, & a baseball cap.) The people around me were wondering who that person was. What was amazing, was that the two men who seemed to be security, seemed to have some type of special ID or another card of identification. That one of them showed to the person who was in charge of giving out the tickets, which then led them to entering less than a minute inside the park.

The line i was in, was huge, but when i finally got through it, i was walking very quickly to see if i could possibly find that mystery person. Sadly, i never had a chance to find him. But there’s no doubt that was Michael. Real fans like me, & others around the world really know how to tell when somebody is MJ or not. I want everybody to keep beLIEving no matter what happens. Always keep the faith like i’m keeping it! Never give up! I’m sure he’s ABOUT to come back. I know it! I’ll never give up of course, & neither should none of you either. I’m counting on you guys to beLIEve. He’ll be here soon! But always remember the Love, The Faith, & TO BURN THE TABLOIDS!! I love you all, All  my love, Sandy xxx

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One thought on “Fan ziet Michael Jackson in Disney World

  1. Carolin

    Het moet wel waar zijn,kijk wat een kop,dat moet wel micheal jackson zijn!!!Ik wist het dat jackson nog leefde!!! er was al iets verdacht aan die rare dood (moord)…!!!!!

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