Pools meisje in de mail, deel 1

Wat schetst onze verbazing, vandaag eens geen Russisch meisje in de mail, maar voor de verandering eens een Poolse schone. De donkerharige woont en werkt in Dubai, maar vindt Islamitische mannen maar niets, een geschikte partner vinden is daarom nogal lastig.

Agneshkahaast zich wel om te zeggen dat ze geen racist is, de Poolse wil gewoon iemand die net als zijzelf gelooft in niets.

We mogen Agneshka mailen op haar werkmail, natuurlijk omdat thuis haar man meekijkt. We raden hopeloze boeren zker niet in deze zaadvragende ogen te trappen, belazert waar je bij staat.

De originele spammail:

Hey my friend.
First of all I want to introduce myself.
My name is Agneshka Olafson. I am writing you from Dubai, United Arabic Emirates.
I am twenty nine years old, and I am a hostess manager in hotel here. I came here with my parents from Poland when I was 14 yesrs old, so since that moment I live here and work here too.
But I still alone and can not find a good man for me.
You know, here muslims law and there are really many muslims, but few european guys. So it is really dofficult to find a good and appropriate man. I am not a rasict, but kust they have another faith then me and another religion.
I hope you understand me.
So I found you mail address in internet meeting agency, who game profiles if I pay for that.
I like you much, and will be glad to communicate with you.
If you also like me, and I attach a photo, so you can see me, I will be really glad.
Whoknow may be we can feed some thing big and special for both of us.

PS. Please write me back here to my working address – [email protected]


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